Carbrooke Village Hall AGM
Carbrooke Village Hall
Friday 6th January 2024, 6pm
Present: Ed Buscall, Debbie Harris, Rob Poole, Alan Willer, Angela Birkby, Nathan Defew
25 members of the public in attendance and Councillor Helen Crane
1. Welcome and Apologies:
Ed Buscall welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked the members of the public for coming.
Apologies received from Angela Weatherill
2. Chair’s report for the 2023 (see below)
3. Financial report on 2022/2023 annual accounts (see below)
These were accepted with no questions from the floor.
4. Election of 2024 Committee
The 2023 management committee stepped down and the meeting was then taken over by Nathan Defew, the Parish Council Representative on the management committee. He reported that the Village Hall Constitution set out that 5 members of the parish were elected to the management committee at the AGM. He said 5 nominations for the 2024 committee had been received – Angela Birkby, Ed Buscall, Debbie Harris, Rob Poole and Alan Willer. All accepted to act as trustees for the following year and as part of the management committee and they were duly elected.
As the outgoing Chair, Ed Buscall once again thanked everyone for their attendance and their support of the Hall.
Meeting closed at 6.20pm